20 Feb 2020

Why Soft Skill is Important

Why are soft skills important?

Soft skills are known as the ability to make interactions with others. Besides, it also defined as interpersonal skills or emotional intelligence. The person who is good at soft skills can build a relationship with others more easier also create trust and capable to lead teams.

Soft skills are required in any interactions with other people. For instance, an employee has to communicate with his/her colleagues in the team project, conduct a presentation to the investors in order to attract funds and so on.

Examples that support the importance of soft skills:

Career progression and promotion

  • According to research, there are 94percent of professionals recruiters believe that the employee who possesses better soft skills will have a bigger chance of getting a promotion to a management position than those employees who weak in soft skills.

The modern workplace is interpersonal
  • In the modern workplace, skills include presentation ideas, communicating with others and active listening are being highly valued. Better soft skills can lead to a collaborative, productive and healthy environment and these will make the companies become more competitive.

Customers and clients demand soft skills
  • There is a large number of options that consumers can choose where to buy from. The consumers are demand lower prices and convenience for them. Therefore, customer service is an important factor that will influence the choice of consumers. Better ability in communication has become increasingly important to the success of an organization. 

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